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Horarios de forex: Calendario Económico Horario Forex, Noticias, Eventos


You need to know when the forex market opens and closes as well as the four main trading sessions. When two major financial centers are open, the number of traders actively buying and selling a given currency greatly increases. In order for the market to move, lots of trades need to occur. And this is why you should focus your energy during specific trading sessions.


The best time to trade is when the market is active with lots of forex traders opening and closing positions, which creates a large volume of trades. The Forex Market Time Zone Converter displays which trading session is open in your current local time. You usually want to avoid trading when only one trading session is open and instead, wait for trading sessions to overlap. The more traders…trading, the higher the trading volume, and the more active the market. The forex market is open 24 hours a day during the weekdays which allows traders to potentially trade all day and all night. The website content is intended for informational purposes only.

Forex Trading Volume

It should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation to any person in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorized. If you are not sure about your local trading regulations, please, leave this website immediately. We introduce people to the world of trading currencies, both fiat and crypto, through our non-drowsy educational content and tools. We’re also a community of traders that support each other on our daily trading journey. Just because you can trade the market any time of the day or night doesn’t necessarily mean that you should. Some of the most active market times will occur when two or more Market Centers are open at the same time.

financial centers

More than 50% of trading volume occurs at these two financial centers. Most of the trading activity for a specific currency pair will occur when the trading sessions of the individual currencies overlap. The most active times will occur when two or more trading sessions overlap and are open at the same time. Knowing the forex market’s operating hours is essential for a trader.

How to Trade with the Forex Market Time Zone Converter

The Forex Market Time Converter displays “Open” or “Closed” in the Status column to indicate the current state of each global Market Center. However, just because you can trade the market any time of the day or night doesn’t necessarily mean that you should. Most successful day traders understand that more trades are successful if conducted when market activity is high and that it is best to avoid times when trading is light. The highest trading volume occurs during the overlap of the London and New York trading sessions.


The Forex Market Time Converter will clearly indicate when two or more markets are open by displaying multiple green “Open” indicators in the Status column. Most market activity will occur when one of these three markets open. For example, AUD/JPY will experience a higher trading volume when both Sydney and Tokyo sessions are open. And EUR/USD will experience a higher trading volume when both London and New York sessions are open. Fig 3.The best time for you to trade forex will depend on which currency pair you’re looking to trade.

Frequently Asked Questions about Forex Market Hours

A complete list is available on the “Countries where the company’s services are not provided” page. FreshForex is a brand that provides access to online trading for clients from more than 200 countries all over the world. The Company’s partners are the licensed European liquidity providers, banks, payment aggregators and systems with which the company has been cooperating for more than 18 years.

How to use the Forex Market Time Converter

The more active the market, the tighter the spreads you’ll get and the less slippage you’ll experience. Determine significant support and resistance levels with the help of pivot points.

Learn how to trade forex in a fun and easy-to-understand format. Click on a time zone for Daylight Saving Time transition dates and times. You can make money trading when the market moves up, and you can even make money when the market moves down. But you will have a very difficult time trying to make money when the market doesn’t move at all. Find the approximate amount of currency units to buy or sell so you can control your maximum risk per position.

When is the best time to trade forex?

The forex trading sessions are named after major financial centers and are loosely based on the local “work day” of traders working in those cities. Use the Forex Market Time Zone Converter tool below to view the open and close times of the main forex trading sessions in your own local time zone. The forex market is available for trading 24 hours a day, five and one-half days per week.

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