World’s largest stock exchanges: Largest stock exchange operators by market cap 2022
The TWSE’s stock index is called the TAIEX – the Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Exchange – and the largest company on it by far is the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company . In this piece, we will take a look at the 21 largest stock exchanges in the world. For more stock exchanges, head on over to 5 Largest Stock Exchanges in the World. The largest stock market in Asia, the SSE has an MCap of $6.98tn. It is a non-profit entity under the purview of the China Securities Regulatory Commission . Capital account controls by the Chinese government mean that it is not fully open to foreign investors.
Despite obvious advantages, U.S. exchanges do face plenty of competition, especially in emerging markets like China and India. The Shanghai Stock Exchange, for example, has seen significant growth in recent years and is now the world’s third-largest exchange by market capitalization. In 2018, PwC surveyed hundreds of capital market participants on the future of stock exchanges. Respondents felt that, by 2030, many of today’s top exchanges would remain popular choices for companies looking to go public. For much of the 1970s, the U.S. made up more than half of global stock market value. Over the course of the 1980s, the U.S. share of the global total began to dip, driven in part by the asset price bubble in Japan.
The stock exchange is keeping up its reputation of being the primary creator of wealth across the world. The Shanghai Stock Exchange’s market capitalisation reached $5.01 trillion in March 2018. Traders can track the performance of stocks listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange using the SSE Composite index, also known as the Shanghai Composite. This includes the largest stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, such as PetroChina, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and the Agricultural Bank of China. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange is one of three major Chinese stock exchanges.
SIX Swiss Exchange
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Other indexes include the SSE 50 Index (a float-adjusted capitalization index of the top 50 stocks) and the SSE 180 Index . Its two main indexes are the Tokyo Price Index and the Nikkei 225. The TOPIX ranks companies using a free-float capitalization-weighted metric, while the Nikkei 225 ranks the top 225 stocks by their price. There LSE has two markets to trade on — the Main Market, which has over 1300 big companies all over the world.
The New York Stock Exchange, located in New York City, is the world’s largest equities-based exchange in terms of total market capitalization. The exchange trades two hours ahead of the NYSE, so much of the action follows that of the NYSE. The London Stock Exchange is the main stock exchange in the United Kingdom.
It was set up in 1956 after an integration of three different exchanges and has a market capitalization of $1.8 trillion. The biggest company on the KRX is, unsurprisingly, Samsung Electronics. Significantly, the NASDAQ has never listed any “old economy” stalwarts like oil and gas companies. Two types of stocks are available on the exchange – ‘A’ shares in the local renminbi yuan and ‘B’ shares in US dollars. As of December 2002, carefully vetted investors are allowed to invest in ‘A’ and ‘B’ shares, with a USD 80bn quota as of 2012. The benchmark index of BSE includes the Sensex index consisting of 30 prominent stocks.
This gives the exchange a market capitalization of $1.9 trillion. When Wall Street finance first gained popularity and more firms raced into the market in the mid 1900s, traders would note each day’s opening and closing prices and then would plot a graph manually. This would be carried out for a long time period, and the result would show the trend in a stock’s price. These days though most of this process is done with computers, saving time and generating quicker insights. The SSE’s benchmark index is the SSE Composite, comprising all stocks on the exchange.
Major stock exchanges
By most estimates, approximately 630,000 companies are now traded publicly throughout the world. The growth of global stock markets outside of the United States and Europe is a key reason that the number of public firms continues to grow. The U.S. still has the largest exchange in the world, but many of the largest exchanges now reside in Asia, which continues to grow in influence on the world stage. Below is an overview of some of the largest exchanges in the world. The Shanghai Stock Exchange is one of three independent stock exchanges in the People’s Republic of China – the other two being Shenzhen and Hong Kong, which also feature on this list. The Shanghai Stock Exchange is the fourth largest stock exchange in the world, despite the fact it was only founded in 1990.
It has many flagship indexes, such as the blue-chip Euronext 100, comprising the 100 most liquid and largest stocks on the exchange. Noted companies include Aegon, Peugeot, Michelin, Phillips, Alstom, L’Oreal, ArcelorMittal, BNP Paribas, Royal Dutch Shell, Unilever, Schneider Electric, and so on. The benchmark index of NASDAQ is the NASDAQ Composite which mostly consists of the stocks listed on the stock exchange. And for a stock to be listed on the NASDAQ Composite, it should be a common stock instead of exchange-traded or preferred funds. Stocks first become present on exchanges after a business handles its initial public offering. The business sells shares to initial sets of public shareholders in initial public offerings or the primary market.
Market Status indicates if a market is open or closed right now. The Market Status API allows you to add market status or countdowns to your own website or application. Whether Apple will break $100 billion in profit is a question that can only be answered in their next annual statement, due in September 2023. The key to Apple’s profitability is how its strong brand has allowed it to tap into an excellent gross margin percentage.
Frankfurt Stock Exchange
The Shanghai Stock Exchange is the largest stock exchange in mainland China, trading in stocks, funds, and bonds. The London Stock Exchange was founded in 1801, but its origins date back to 1698 when the LSE’s service was nothing more than a twice-weekly paper publication of market prices. This makes it the one of the oldest stock exchanges in the world. It was actually the largest stock exchange in the world up until the end of World War I, when it was dethroned by the NYSE. The LSE is now the sixth largest stock exchange in the world, and the largest stock exchange in Europe.
The exchange’s benchmark index is DJIA , a 30-stock price-weighted index of 30 stocks. Established in 1792, this well-known stock exchange dominates the rest of the stock exchanges over the world. Stock exchanges represent trading many financial materials including equities, bonds, and commodities. They bring governments and corporations together with investors. For an American investor, access to any of the international markets and exchanges requires an account with a brokerage, online or off. The LSE considers itself the most international of global exchanges, based on the fact that around 3,000 companies from around the world trade on the LSE and its affiliated exchanges.
Here we take a look at the largest stock exchanges in the world by market capitalisation. The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong is the third-largest stock exchange in Asia, and the fifth largest in the world with a market capitalisation of $4.46 trillion in March 2018. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange trades in Hong Kong Dollars , as the companies listed are primarily based in Hong Kong. The NASDAQ market capitalisation reached $10.93 trillion in March 2018, which places it as the second largest stock exchange. However, it has the largest market capitalisation of technology stocks – some of the NASDAQ’s top listed companies include Apple , Microsoft , Facebook and Tesla . The index used to measure the performance of the exchange is the Nasdaq 100.
Still, it allows a few cryptocurrencies to be transferred through a debit or credit card. Other well-reasoned indexes include the S&P 500, which tracks 500 of the greatest firms in the USA, and the NYSE Composite Index. Amanda Bellucco-Chatham is an editor, writer, and fact-checker with years of experience researching personal finance topics. Specialties include general financial planning, career development, lending, retirement, tax preparation, and credit. Mitchell Grant is a self-taught investor with over 5 years of experience as a financial trader. He is a financial content strategist and creative content editor.
Largest stock exchange operators worldwide as of October 2022, by market capitalization of listed companies
The company’s total gross margin was $171 billion in 2022 or 43.3%, which means for every dollar of revenue earned, Apple made 43 cents in gross profit. Geographically, Apple’s highest net sales came from the Americas, at nearly $170 billion. In contrast, all of Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and India combined for $95 billion in annual net sales.
The well-known network operates exchanges in London, Milan, Paris, Amsterdam, Dublin, Lisbon, and Oslo. Meaning, the activity of the New York Stock Exchange always has a big influence over the trading at other stock exchanges on the following day. Below, I will discuss some of the world’s greatest stock exchanges. However, China and South Asia also make the list of best stock exchanges. After the initial public offerings give shares to public shareholders, these shares can be sold and bought on exchanges or secondary markets.
The SZSE trades shares in Chinese yuan because the companies listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange are primarily based in China. The market capitalisation of the London Stock Exchange was $4.38 trillion in March 2018. Traders can track the performance of the LSE, and its market capitalisation, with the Financial Times Stock Exchange Index 100 Share Index, or FTSE 100. The index contains the top 100 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange – including Barclays, BP and GlaxoSmithKline.